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Once they arrive, Marco places Yuki and Yuno's phones on a table and attacks Yuki's father. Download Masou Gakuen HxH BD Subtitle Indonesia Batch (Episode 01-12) Hida Kizuna memiliki kemampuan HHG (Heart Hybrid Gear), tetapi itu tidak cukup kuat untuk membuatnya sangat penting. Marco, who's learned all about the situation from Yuki's diary, considers Yuki's father a useful link to Uryu and the Eleventh and calls Yuno, demanding that they bring Yuki's father to an abandoned commercial tower. Yuno overhears that he has promised to destroy it in return for the cancellation of his substantial debt and realises he is being used by the Eleventh diary holder. Yuki's father visits him in the hospital, but while Yuki's away, he searches the room for his cell phone. In order to confuse them, he has Uryu feed Yuki false information. Aru deduces that Marco and Ai have not destroyed Yuki and Yuno's diaries because they want to take advantage of the information they provide.